What We’re Thankful for This Year and Why

This year has been one for the books. Throughout the past 12 months, we have been forced to adapt, grow and push ourselves farther and harder than we ever thought possible. We have emerged from hard times stronger than ever as a network. Through the chaos came beauty, which reminded us of why we are a part of this amazing community of franchisees.

This year, we are thankful for our franchisees who have helped us get through tough times and inspired us to keep pushing forward, no matter what. We wanted to take a few moments to recognize why we are thankful for our franchisees!

– Our franchisees are hardworking and loyal, trusting us to lead them through their business venture in even the most unpredictable times (as we have seen this year). 

– Our franchise owners continue to strive to provide their communities and customers with high-quality training and customer service, despite facing new hurdles and challenges that stemmed from unpredictable world events. 

– F45 franchise owners always put the customer first, and for that reason, we stand out among our competitors. 

– The smile, positive attitude, and eagerness to push forward is what makes this community of business owners truly special. 

– Our community continues to lift each other up while working together to deliver (what we at F45 feel is) one of the world’s best workouts to our communities across the globe! 

All in all, we are thankful for our community of franchise owners that continue to be kind, uplifting, positive, and hardworking individuals. We have learned this past year that we are stronger together, and we will come out on the other side more resilient than ever when faced with adversity.

F45 franchise owners: thank you for all that you do.

If you are interested in becoming a part of this family and community of amazing people, we welcome you with open arms. We are always looking to add new people into this amazing family that we have built.

This year, and beyond, we are thankful for YOU.



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